Fork in the Road

Isn’t there one always in life?

You come to a place in life where you need to make a choice. There is a straight, smooth paved road to the right. Usually this is the road you have taken in the past and it ended up being a mistake over and over. The last time delivered you where you are now.

It is tempting because it appears to be easy traveling. Paved with concrete, it must be the quickest way to where you want to go. But like the state turnpike system many tolls are required. In the end it is not cheap when you consider what you must give up- dignity, respect, control of your life, true friendships and family. Welfare comes in many forms, but it is its own prison- a stranger controls every aspect of your life and limits your opportunities. How often are you willing to continually pay the price?

As you stand there deciding which road to take, you see the one on the left is rough, full of potholes and rocks. The view is obstructed by a bend a short distance from where you stand. It is not appealing and looks mysterious if not downright dangerous. Obviously starting down this road will be difficult. If only you had a hot air balloon to elevate yourself and see the opportunities, choices and advantages of this lifestyle a short distance in front of you. On examination you notice each rock has a label- self-discipline, self-respect or one of the virtues. All that is needed is to fill the potholes with the rocks. For once you would be truly free to make decisions that benefit your family and you. A short-term investment in yourself will generate success, satisfaction, and self-worth. From experience you know the other road never works. Isn’t it worth making a sincere effort to try a different way?