When Man Lacks a Sense of Sin

A valid moral code or standard is based on a sense, comprehension, and/or awareness of sin.

A sense of sin requires acknowledgment of an offense against God.

When God is eliminated from society, all laws, rules and personal conduct become arbitrary and preclude the necessary sense of sin.

This leaves personal choices and opinions to dictate conduct without regard to others.

Likely, this may be the cause of the hatred, violence and lawlessness we are witnessing.

  • Therefore, how can there be any hope of individual or governmental fairness, justice or responsibility in the world if there is no sense of offense against God?

Careless Words Have Eternal Consequences

The Bible has numerous warnings that careless words have eternal consequences. It is time for all of us to curb our tongues both for the good of society but more importantly for the good of our souls. To understand the seriousness of inappropriate speech you need only consult Revelations 21:8. All liars are in the category with the cowardly, the unbelievers, the abominable, murderers, whore-mongers, sorcerers and idolaters; they will be cast into a pool of fire and brimstone. A clear warning if there ever was one.

Just in case you are interested here are other Biblical references for consideration.

James 1:19 James 3:2-18 Matthew 12:36-37 1Timothy 5:1-2 2Timothy 4:2

Ecclesiastes 5:1-6 Isaiah 56:10 Leviticus 19:16 Proverbs 10:19 Proverbs 10:32

Proverbs 11:12-13 Proverbs 12:18 Proverbs 12:22-23 Proverbs 13:3 Proverbs 15:2

Proverbs 15:4 Proverbs 17:27-28 Proverbs 18:2 Proverbs 18:6 Proverbs 19:5

Proverbs 19:9 Proverbs 20:19 Proverbs 21:23 Proverbs 22:10 Proverbs25:23

Proverbs 27:6 Proverbs 28:23 Psalm 12:4-5 Psalm 34:13 Psalm 109:17

Psalm 141:3 Sirach 5:13-16 Sirach 19:5-14 Sirach 20:8 Sirach 28:25-26

Worn Pews

My first notice of worn, scratched or otherwise marred pews was 1995. A member of a Methodist congregation asked me to inspect and suggest remediation of warped flooring in a nearly century old church. The water caused damage was the result of a hurricane.

Alone in the sacred stillness I became aware of, and took time to reflect on, the vast numbers of people who have worshiped in that place over the years. The walnut floor and pews were well worn by sitters and standers; by umbrellas and purses and assorted items; and restless children. They came with their possessions and left their marks. Obviously countless numbers visited and went away spiritually refreshed.

The nonsense of 2020 has allowed me to once again contemplate the important role of religion in our society. Restrictions on local church services requires me to travel 30 miles or so to be in the Lord’s house on Sunday. In doing so, I have found another church with worn pews. The inconvenience of travel is small compared to the peace of worshiping in a church with worn pews.

Humility 2021

While certainly not an original idea, after all Benjamin Franklin practiced it, each year my resolution is to work toward a virtuous life. For 2021, my project is humility. In preparing for the New Year, I acknowledge a list of steps necessary to be mindful of humility in my life.

  • Expertise/knowledge is limited by finite insight and understanding
  • Appreciate and respect others
  • Listen first and, if necessary, speak in as few words as possible
  • Withhold judgment
  • Blaming is counter-productive
  • Help and learn from each person encountered
  • Uplift others in words and actions
  • Always remember there is a possibility of being wrong
  • Express gratitude in every situation
  • Look for opportunities to serve others
  • All solutions are on God’s schedule
  • Compare things- not people
  • Gossip is most often a form of comparing
  • It is not who is right, but what is right
  • Follow God’s example of total love and complete forgiveness

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less- C S Lewis